Both environment and mental health are intercinicallly connected. The place where you spend a time home work school and specially can have a significant impact on your mental health. In psychologically these are refered to as environmental factors of mental health and are the main focus of study for environmental psychologist.
If you can identify the environmental factors that affect you psychologically shed light on whether the location you frequent are contributing to or detecting from your mental Wellness. It can also recognize if changes are needed to start feeling better mentally and emotionally.
Environment and mental health:
For sometime some cases environmental factors impact on mental wellness by changing Brain structure and function. According to the research on children support that noting children raised in adverse environment tend to have hindered brain development increasing their risk of memory's issues learning difficulties and behavioral problem.
But the environmental factors can also impact mental health by psychologically.this can depends on your environment might raised or lower your stress level's for instance . Some Factors are following.
Cluttered space creat feeling of overwhelmed and anxiety while tidy space can invoke a sens of calm . Color's and object present in the environment that are meaningful can also boost mood says snow.
In which includes the lighting temperature sounds smells and color's palette of an environment are very important to how comfortable relaxed and safe you feel . We take a example harsh lighting and loud noises can lead to anxiety or agitations while dark and cold space's can lead to feeling unmotivated especially in the Winter.
Indirect and inconsistent communication conflict and unreliable people in the environment can be very stressful to manage. Instead of this sharing a space with someone you trust such as a partner or spouse roommate friend or loved one can creat a sens of calm according to the snow.
Culture and values:
It is important for people to connect with culture and values that share to be understood at deeper level. Otherwise feeling of isolation and depression can rise it.
If something that are present in environment such as a difficult relationship or disorganisation remind you of a difficult time or like that of anxiety and old feeling.
Positive association in the environment such as family keepsake photos or familiar object can boost mood and creat a sense of connection.
Environmental factors that affect the mental health:
Several things present in our environment impact on our mental health directly or indirectly. These factor exist where we live work go to school and spend our time socially.
Home environment:
Home environment includes more than just your physical dwelling..our environment is the combination of both physical such as where you are live and the people around you.
Home based environmental factors that have a significant impact on mental health include.
In which including the temperature where you are live the amount of sunlight you get and your exposure to natural disasters. Climate change is also connected with greater mental health issues. The rising temperature are associated with higher rate of aggressions violent suicide with increased frequent of disaster contributing to the development of depression and post traumatic stress disorder.
Crime level:
If you live in the area where a lot of crime may feel impacts mentally. Crime level tend to effect females more strongly increasing their risk of depression and anxiety.
Environmental racisms:
It is a defined as discrimination in environmental policy making. It has been implicated as an important environmental factors that effect the mental health of black indigenous and people of color individual and communities.
According to the research that increase the rate of depression in more polluted area's. It also indicate that long term exposure can increase suicide risk .
Presence of toxins inside the home:
This include both cleaning products and mold. Effect of mold if present in the home and higher rates of asthma as a result of increased pollutants themselves can also excret the mental health issues.
The social stress stigma and trauma of living in poverty can negative impact mental health of both children and adults which in turn can lead to employment issues and fragmented relationship this can creat a cycle for some difficult.
Work environment and mental health:
More than half of our waking hour's are spent on work or work related activities. So the significant role in our mental health.
In this workplace is a contribute the mental health and wellness as some include them.
There are factor which can be used by a high demand them.
It can be stress in a specific them.
It can be control the value of a respectable for a job.
School Environment and Mental Health:
It can be very important role in every society of a mental health and school college university student can be often spend a lot of time and learn the class and complete work for a environmental and they can be used for a those activities for a impact the mental health.It can be used for a positively impact on the environment of a student can be used for a mental health.
It can be lot of a sense belong and it can be physically and emotionally.
Social Environment and Mental Health:
It is a good and also point of the social Environment and it can be affect our mental health.It can be included by a social support of a influence by cover the ability for a abuse and growing up the person exposure for a physical and mental health and wellness affect them.